Photographer with a degree in Advertising, worked for over 10 years as an art director in advertising agencies in Brazil and Ireland, during which time he was already involved in photography projects.

Over the years, photography became a tool for self-discovery, and it was during his trip to India that he began photographing people. It was in India that he realized he had access to places and stories he probably wouldn't have without a camera in hand.

Upon returning to Brazil, decided to create ASA 55 (@asa55____), a company specializing in creating Photographic and Authentic Experiences.

Commercial work focuses on still photography for advertising campaigns, having worked with clients such as Royal Canin, Ben & Jerry's, University of Oxford, UnB, Dexco, among others.
Personal works have been exhibited at MIS (Museu da Imagem e Som) and Nave Coletiva in São Paulo.
Photo exhibition selected in the "Ocupa Nave" open call by Nave Coletiva - São Paulo, Brazil @navecoletiva 
Mobgraphia Photo Festival 
Winner in the documentary category. Photos exhibited at MIS (Museu da Imagem e Som) - São Paulo, Brazil @mis_sp 
Festival Internacional de Fotografia Paraty em Foco 
Shortlisted in the category of Single Photo - Paraty, Brazil @pefparatyemfoco 

Book "O Cotidiano no norte" 
Photo book depicting the daily life of some cities in India. 
Contact number
+55 11 94724 6408
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